Tips For Keeping Your Horse Healthy

Horses truly are some of the most beloved creatures on the planet, as is evidenced by the fact that they have been featured numerous times in classic films and literary works. The bond between a horse and its owner is a special one, and this is often visible to outsiders too.

Much of a horse owner’s time is dedicated to the animal’s love and care as horses remain good, loyal companions radiating grace and intellect. If you already own a horse, or if you’re thinking about owning one, you’ll know that keeping it healthy and strong is essential. Below, you’ll find a few tips for making sure your horse stays in good shape.

Regular Dental Checkups

Getting your horse’s teeth checked regularly is one of the best things you can do to help maintain its physical health. The diet of a domesticated one is different than that of a wild one, which often means that the former cannot wear its teeth down as well as the latter. Equine dental health experts suggest that horse owners should get their animal’s teeth checked every six to 12 months. However, if you notice any signs of dental problems, you should call a specialist immediately.

These signs include:

  • Foul odor from your horse’s mouth or nasal passage
  • Quidding (dropping balls of food)
  • Sensitivity when contact is made near their mouths.

Protect Its Feet

Horses are resilient creatures, but one of the fastest ways for them to fall ill is due to poor hoof management. The environment in which your horse lives play a big role in the overall health of its feet.

Be sure to scrub your horse’s feet regularly to remove stuck-on mud that could act as a sponge for bacteria, layer absorbent product underneath the bulk of its bedding to prevent dampness and be sure to paint its hooves with a good quality product to waterproof its feet. This will help to prevent any potential infections.

Keep It At A Healthy Weight

When horses are overweight even slightly, they are at risk for all sorts of health issues. However, the good news is that this is preventable.

Make sure that your horse is eating foods that are high in nutrients but not too high in calories, check your horse’s body fat score every two weeks, and ride your horse for at least 30 minutes a day, six days a week. Not only is this valuable bonding time for you and your animal, but it will also go a long way in making sure your horse’s cardio health is well-maintained. When you’re done, you can reward yourself by spending some time at Canadian casino sites.

Groom Your Horse Often

One of the best ways to monitor your horse’s health is to groom it and monitor its reactions to touch. For example, if it flinches when you brush its hair, that is likely an indicator that your horse is experiencing some kind of pain or discomfort. You can then consult a veterinarian or specialist to help diagnose the problem and treat it before it gets any worse.

About Doreen Cohen