How Beginners Can Get Started In Horse Riding

Horses are incredibly majestic creatures that are intelligent, cheerful, and extremely energetic. With the correct treatment, they can form life-long friendships with humans. Horses have been ridden by humans for centuries because they are strong, fit, and capable of traveling the distance. They can be intimidating when approached for the first time, so if you are a beginner horse rider and want to learn how to get started in riding, follow these tips below.

Have Proper Riding Gear

There is more to horse riding than just having a comfortable saddle, in most cases, training centres do provide other horse-riding equipment such as girths, reins and bits. Learning how to thoroughly utilise these equipment will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable horse-riding experience. Picking the right outfit is also a requirement in horse riding. Make sure to pick a helmet that’s comfortable, boots with small heels, and long pants. Having the correct footwear can prevent your feet from being caught in the stirrups when you accidently slip from the saddle.

Get Acquainted To Your Horse

A horse is a living and breathing creature and also has feelings like humans. One some days it can be in a good mood and on other days, it can be tired, scared, or even moody. When you approach a horse for the first time, give it some time get used to you. For example, allow it to smell and even lick you.

Always communicate with a horse in a calm and peaceful manner. Refer to it with its name and don’t be shy to offer it treats, they love treats as much as you love big wins at CA casinos online.

Mounting and Dismounting a Horse

Mounting and dismounting a horse seems easier said than done. Ask a trainer to hold the horse for you, they typically hold the horse to its right and train them to expect riders to climb from their left. Step on the left stirrup by placing your weight on it and swing your right leg over the horse’s back to land on the saddle. Your trainer will adjust the stirrups if they’re too tight or too loose.

To dismount the horse, do everything in the mounting process in reverse. First start by stopping the equine and placing both the reins in your left hand. Pull out your feet from the stirrups, lean a bit forward and swing your right leg over to the ground while still holding the reins loosely. Remove your left leg too, stand next to the horse and give it a nice pat on its back or a treat.

Practice Your Posture

Horse riding is an activity that is both physically and mentally tiring. You can expect to experience some minor back pains, inflammation, and minor injuries in the first weeks of training. Learning to maintain the proper posture while riding can improve your stability and balance, preventing unwanted injuries.

For the correct posture, place your behind deeply in the saddle, ensure that your shoulders and back are in line, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle to the horse’s back.

Stop the Ride

Before your stop your horse, always slow down prior as the animal has no brakes like a car or bike. Do not startle the horse by expecting it to respond to your command abruptly. Slowly lean back in your saddle and then pull the reins toward you.

About Doreen Cohen